Agenda Item 22 (b)


Brighton & Hove City Council



Subject:                      Public Questions


Date of Meeting:        28 September 2022


Report of:                   Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law


Contact Officer:        Name: Shaun Hughes Tel: 01273 293059


E-mail:                        shaun.hughes@brighton-hove.gov.uk


Wards Affected:        All






1.1 To receive any questions submitted to Democratic Services.




2.2 That the Committee responds to the questions.


3. Questions:



1.    From - Naomi Gann (ACORN)


In November 2021 this Council passed a motion to adopt a zero-tolerance approach to rogue landlords. They have also secured £150,000 to invest in private rented sector enforcement and hired four staff for this department. However, this policy has still not been implemented. In the South East almost 50% of renters are victims of illegal behaviour from landlords, and in Brighton, as this Council knows, renters are being harassed, intimidated and illegally evicted by landlords. Why have you still not implemented a zero-tolerance approach to rogue landlords, as you were mandated to do a full ten months ago?


2.    From - Daniel Harris



At the last HWB, I asked for a mortality review because of the museum of homelessness reports into homeless housed mortalities in BHCC, it was 61 deaths from 20/21 to 22/22. Cllr Shanks agreed and confirmed there would be discussions with housing and other departments on this, I’ve heard nothing since. 

In Health Scrutiny Healthwatch said they are ready and willing to investigate. Today's report states there were almost 300 evictions in 20/21- 21/22 for those living in homeless accommodations. Do we need to take legal action against BHCC to get justice? 

Can you update us on the progression please?”

Supplementary question.

“Which leads to our own assets such as priory house / Green Diamond, which is a former council building now private sector holiday lets. Some apartments are up for £100s per night. 

The Directors own Moretons, baron Homes and £100's million in assets in this city. plus have contracts with the council for the homeless. We must Ensure the council make use of our assets to bring our emergency and temporary accommodation in house. 

Please can the council tell me the full term of the lease and how much that was sold to West Acre Investments for?”